Most people say that Emotion Code/Body Code and Psych-K techniques help them feel lighter and freer, but I also see the disappearance of health and emotional issues too. Your results will depend on how many trapped emotions you have and how quickly your body responds after they are removed.
The human body has a truly incredible innate ability to bounce back and heal itself from all kinds of stress, trauma, sickness and disease. But this self-healing ability is dependent on the right conditions; if the body is imbalanced or beliefs aren’t in alignment, it won’t be able to heal itself as well as it should. This allows problems to build up over time, some never being fully resolved. Most people are in this kind of state and suffering from it, but the good news is that this process is often reversible. This is a very powerful way to restore health to the body, by making the conditions right for it to re-balance itself. Working with The Body Code and Psych-K has helped thousands of people create a profound shift in their emotional and physical well-being.
I begin each session asking about you – how you are feeling, and what you would like to work on. After receiving permission from you, I will establish communication with your subconscious and act as a surrogate for you. This means that I will be able to ask your subconscious questions, and muscle test for the answer. Establishing communication is done quickly and most people do not feel a change during the connection process. I will test three ways to be sure our connection is strong and that I am receiving correct information from our connection.
We will then begin to work together and I will ask questions that will guide us through the Body Code system to find where imbalances, energies and misalignments exist. When we find an energy or underlying cause for imbalance, I will release it for you. I always ask if it is “safe and appropriate” to release the found energy before I do a release. I also hold the intent that all energies release peacefully and gently for you.
Sometimes the subconscious directs us to work on establishing or strengthening a belief or goal. To do this, I use a method called Psych-K and Psych-K Balancing. This is a process designed to create a balanced identification with both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. This ‘whole-brain state’ is ideal for re-setting the mind with new self-enhancing beliefs, helping you to access your ‘full-response potential in meeting life’s challenges.
Remote sessions can be completed by phone, Zoom or Skype. Energy flows and I work with people all over the world. I enjoy Skype and Zoom sessions because I am able to see you via video connection, share my screen and the Body Code Maps, and facilitate Psych-K balances.
For those who will see me in my office I have a comfortable chair and blankets for your use! Please feel free to wear comfortable clothing.
If you want more information about me, please schedule a free phone consultation with me: I look forward to connecting with yoU!
Certification | State of Certification |
Emotion Code, Body Code, Psych-K | WA |